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Thursday, February 26, 2004

wahaha. finally changed my blog skin liao. has been wabting to do it since some time ago. hmmm, this skin reminds me of my sisters. well what happened was that a long time ago, i think when we were at 00's house playing mj, there was this sudden crazy idea that each of us will represent one character from winnie the pooh. and 00 was of course, the pooh (boar :p), power was piglet and i opt for tigger. in the end, poor eq was left with no other character. so she was ee orrr, the donkey. and she kept protesting but too bad. who ask her to be so SLOW. haha. damn funny sial. those days were fun sial. we were firstly obssessed with mj. so much so that we can mj 3 - 4 times a week or at least once a week. we will physco 00, who is still studying at that time, to pull time out for mj even when she's having exams. aft the mj fever, was a cheonging fever for us. we cheong almost every weekend. haha. our weekends were filled with booze and dancing. and now, i think all of us are settled down with a steady bf. so that marks the end of our "crazy colourful days".

today was a tired and sweaty day for me. went to TAB in the morning with johnny, sy and chris to view some samples. and bloody hell, the samples were under teh sun. so i was under the sun for like 3 hrs (9-12) and i was sweating like anything. by the time the whole thing was over, i told johnny that i am going to suffer a heat stroke. we had lunch at teck whye and i was so damn hungry that i gobbled down my noodles and i was the 1st to finish the whole bowl of noodles. can u imagine??!! i normally eat at slow speed. but today, i actually eat faster than 2 males and a size 14. haha. i really am that hungry. by the time we got back to office was already 2+ and my bloody pc kept hanging. and by the time i settled my office stuffs, it was already nearly 5. and i was sussposed to b at APD at 4.30. heng the person waited for me. so i meade my way to APD and good thing is that we managed to settle on a simple design. aft that, i made my way back home and matt was already at home waiting for me. :D the first thing i did was to take a bath, and den had dinner. dad was off today. so its his turn to cook. and he cooked vege curry and curry sting ray. yummy!! haha.
right now, matt is nuaing on the floor. i am blogging. my whole body is emmiting out heat. i think i am going to get sun burn. i am very dark now. shit!! i dun like to be tan. i prefer to be fair, like a princess. : )

Clatzz reflected on 12:38 AM

~ a space for me to rant about how unfair life is.
~ a space for me to complain about my mundane life.
~ a space for me to day dream.
~ a space for me to live in denial.
~ a space for me to bitch big time.
~ a space for me to f*ck all the people i didnt have the guts to f*ck in real life.
~ a space for me to brag and exegerate all good things about myself.
~ a space for me to reflect.
~ a space for me to entertain people through my ramblings.
~ a space for me to update the moments i want to remember in my life.
~ a space for me to let my friends know that im still alive and kicking and going through shit.
~ a space for me to express myself without worrying about consequences.

clar clar
finicky feline
kenny sia
pink shoe fetish
very poisonous lady
xia xue

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