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Saturday, February 07, 2004

Its finally sat. but I still have to work. Nothing happening these few days. Matt and I are both busy with work. We have been working late for the past few days and we only met to have a short dinner.
Oh ya, my dear dear put on weight liao. His pants button came off on thurs night. Luckily we were at home and I managed to fond a button of similar size and got momo to sew it back for him. Haha. You have finally got your wish, dear dear, to put on weight.

Met matt for dinner yesterday. He was doing closing and we had turtle soup. I finished the whole big pot of soup. Yum yum. Dun care what other people say, that eating turtle is very cruel, im gonna eat what I like.

Will be going mu tonight to finish my bottle of martell. The expiry date is drawing near and I dun wanna donate it to mu. Matt has already booked a table and we will be sitting at our usual table. 00 cant make it today. She says she is very busy lately. She even has to go back to work on Saturdays. Eq says she most prob can make it. So that means its not confirmed too. Wonder what she has on today that she cannot even confirm. Power coming late. so will it means tonight matt and I will sit there at the table, only the 2 of us and drink?

Spoke to sis this morning. I think my health is getting worse. Sis suggests that I go on juicing. I think I need juicing too cause
1. I am falling sick more often
2. I can never have a good sleep. I will wake up almost every night to use the toilet. And I have already cleared my bladder before I go to bed.
3. I am still weary about the puke blood incident, though I refuse to go for a scope
4. I wake up feeling very very tired every morning.
5. Sometimes after I take my fruit juice, I will have stomachache and I will keep tearing and feel like puking.
6. I need to shed off some kilos
but I dun think I can have the determination to pull through. And I have to plan carefully the time when I wanna start juicing. Hmmmm. and that will mean no more makan outings liao. Should I or should I not??

Clatzz reflected on 11:15 AM

~ a space for me to rant about how unfair life is.
~ a space for me to complain about my mundane life.
~ a space for me to day dream.
~ a space for me to live in denial.
~ a space for me to bitch big time.
~ a space for me to f*ck all the people i didnt have the guts to f*ck in real life.
~ a space for me to brag and exegerate all good things about myself.
~ a space for me to reflect.
~ a space for me to entertain people through my ramblings.
~ a space for me to update the moments i want to remember in my life.
~ a space for me to let my friends know that im still alive and kicking and going through shit.
~ a space for me to express myself without worrying about consequences.

clar clar
finicky feline
kenny sia
pink shoe fetish
very poisonous lady
xia xue

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