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Friday, January 16, 2004

Hmmm, looks like I'll be eating all theway to CNY and probably by CNY, I'll be a fat monkey liao. :p

Yesterday's bbq buffet was POWER!! There were so many things to bbq. There were crabs, prawns, chicken wing, fish and alot more.
Had fun bbq-ing the food and the best cook would go to: power!! her signature dish: spicy fish with lime. And the best eater was dear dear. He ate the most cause while all of us were busy cooking, he was busy eating. While we were busy eating, he was still busy eating!! Haha. And the best part is there is ice cream after as dessert after the meal. Haha. After the meal, we went geylang for power liang cha as the meal of bbq food is very heaty. I actually didnt want any liang cha but under matt's nagging, i had a bowl, without powder. Tought it would taste better than with powder but I was so DAMN WRONG!! Wah lua, it taste the same yucky sial. Buay tahan. I cannot take such bitter stuff. YUCKS!! And my power sis actually managed to drink her liang cha down in one gulp, I was impressed. She tah the liang cha like she tah martell like that. Wahahaha :p

Tomorrow would be having japanese buffet with Leroy and gang. Dunno hows the food there but I was telling matt, scarly they all get shocked by the amount of food I can eat. Haha. Since it is a jap buffet, hope there will be lots and lots of sashimi, soft shell crabs, pregnant fish, unagi. Ohhh, Im feeling a little hungry liao.

Going JB with matt, power and alvin. When the 4 of us are together, there will confirm be power food and power gluttons!! Wahaha. Gonna stuff myself crazy with all the power food in JB!! Wahaha

My company dinner. Yvonne has been telling me all the food they have there. She said there are sushi, dim sum, fo tiao qiang soup, lots of cheese cakes, lobster, oyesters, prawns, crabs, etc, etc... Hope the food is really as good as she claims. Shall give a review after monday.

So it looks like I have to be on juice for the next few days and have to prepare extra FP to clear all the food I ate laio. :p

Went to police security today and on teh way back, I took an indian cab. And the cab is filled with the "indian" smell. Wah lau, I nearly fainted on the way back to office. The driver even placed those indian flowers on top of the air con. I was trying to hold my breadth all thte while and I even tried smelling my hair or my smelly bag. But the indian smell is just so strong. Call me racist or whatever, but I really cannot stand that stanch. I rather smell my own shit than smell their stench. Talking about it makes me wanna puke again. YUCKS!!

Clatzz reflected on 12:14 AM

~ a space for me to rant about how unfair life is.
~ a space for me to complain about my mundane life.
~ a space for me to day dream.
~ a space for me to live in denial.
~ a space for me to bitch big time.
~ a space for me to f*ck all the people i didnt have the guts to f*ck in real life.
~ a space for me to brag and exegerate all good things about myself.
~ a space for me to reflect.
~ a space for me to entertain people through my ramblings.
~ a space for me to update the moments i want to remember in my life.
~ a space for me to let my friends know that im still alive and kicking and going through shit.
~ a space for me to express myself without worrying about consequences.

clar clar
finicky feline
kenny sia
pink shoe fetish
very poisonous lady
xia xue

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